I read lately that this is the most common question people ask writers, “Where do you get your ideas?” To answer, let me give you some background. I write mostly fiction but am also a journalist. Since writing is actually my second career, my early schooling was not focused on writing. So I’ve had to be truly a lifelong learner. (My degrees are in music—I played the oboe—and business). I feel like I’m constantly finding out new things about publishing. Sometimes I will consider stopping my journalism work. Using my brain in two such different ways is like bringing ...
There’s a special day for everything, it seems. While writing my Fair Creek Romance series, I came up with the idea of Think Like a Cowboy Day. Only why limit the celebration to just one day? Every day should be cowboy day. But then, I’ve been horse crazy since I was a girl, which then turned into cowboy crazy, too. And I might have been a cowgirl wannabe, too! It started because I grew up on a farm and we had cows, so getting a horse seemed like the next obvious step, to me anyway. I was constantly reading ...
I wanted to support a local arts organization that supported me and presented me with a grant for my debut novel, Her Billionaire Cowboy's Second Chance. So, with some uncertainty, I signed up for the Marion Arts Commission (MAC) program to design an outfit from all used items. They brought in clothing, accessories, and more from the local thrift store. Imagine my delight when they found a model to wear my creation in their fashion show with others. I thought you might enjoy seeing the details! "I'm always game to flex my creative muscles!"

"This is Cathy's go-to coffee cake, thanks to her mom's Betty Crocker cookbook!"